Thursday, May 3, 2018

I'm never moving back to Iowa

I grew up in Iowa, and I've often reflected that many aspects of my time there were key to my success. I now feel that the state is one of the worst places to live in the country; conservative leaders have destroyed health care, education, and common sense. 

- The Republican legislature refused to accept medicaid expansion under Obama and the ACA as well as passing laws to undermine the ACA. Now the state's insurance markets are collapsing with only one insurer remaining in the state.

- The Republican legislature just passed an abortion bill. It doesn't allow abortion after the heartbeat is appreciated on ultrasound, ~6 weeks. Pretty much no woman knows she is pregnant before 6 weeks gestation. This effectively outlaws abortion in the state.

I'm ashamed of Iowa. The Republicans have decided that passing a conservative agenda is more important than the state's likely economic collapse. The insurance markets are self-destructing, women will be forced to have children they don't want and can't afford, and social programs have been systematically destroyed over the past 10 years.

I don't feel sorry for the people of Iowa. You elected these representatives. Now is the time to remember the farm language that you love to quote: you reap what you sow. Good luck.