Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Mike Pence is more dangerous than Trump.

Mike Pence as president is much more dangerous than Donald Trump. 
- He is not a total moron. He knows how to play and manipulate Trump and the press to his advantage.
- He is waiting in the wings ready to be the calm, soothing voice after Trump is impeached. He then would likely be reelected. He would be such a relief after the daily stress and drama of Trump that people would vote for him again.
- He has a scary-ass conservative agenda that he likely would get passed if he has the Republican support in congress that Trump has now. He knows how to plan, strategize, and implement. (Unlike Trump, who cannot form coherent sentences.)
- He is waiting in the wings for the chance. Keep your eye on him, not Stormy Daniels.
- We need a Democratic wave this November to control Trump or even worse, an effective Mike Pence.

 Axios AM 04/18/18.

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