Monday, November 13, 2017

Destroying the ACA on the down-low

The Trump administration is quietly destroying the chance to bring down medical costs. 

Original ACA plan: to decrease our soaring health care costs by paying for quality of care over quantity of procedures.  Doctors won't have incentives to do unnecessary procedures to make more money. Instead, doctors would be rewarded for good outcomes and high quality of care.

- 2 initiatives have started to reduce the costs of cardiac and orthopedic surgeries
---> HHS under Trump and Price (an orthopedic surgeon who benefits from the old system) halted these programs and exempted tons of physicians. So, the goal of bringing health care costs down by trying other systems of care has been severely hampered.

Comparing Trump and Obama's approaches to this health care problem demonstrates the core of these two men. One is careful, thoughtful, and detail-oriented. The other is ego-driven and careless.

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