Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wealth Disparities: The estate tax - are you rich enough?

Super rich people are trying so hard to get richer. The Trump administration is working hard to get us to believe that their tax plan won't help the wealthiest Americans. I have to give them credit for lying with such straight faces (Impressive!).

Facts about the estate tax:
1.) You only get taxed if your estates is valued at more than $5.5 million (single) or $11 million (married couple)!

2.)  This tax applies to 0.5% of Americans.

Does this apply to you? If so, please send any single male relatives (who will inherit!) my way, over 30 years old please. Because only the very wealthiest Americans will pay this tax and no, they don't deserve a break on taxes. You know who does deserve a break on taxes? People making less than $50,000 per year. They need help. Not you rich a**holes.

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